Reviews book

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Reviews book

Сообщение ELIANA » 07 авг 2011, 19:17

Here you can post your reviews about our forum and ask questions to the administrator. [catty01.gif]

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Re: Reviews book

Сообщение Suveru » 28 янв 2013, 04:15

Good evening, my name is Suveru "Woolf" Van Cheaty. I´m a little black wolf out of the woods in Austria near Germany!
Found your great Forum after all years of unknowledge ^^
I´ve a question: this forum is 99% russian - like this language, but why it comes an Error, if I changed my Setting to "british english"?
And question two: Is it allowed to open Threads in this "English Forum" for me perhaps for example "I about myself" so as indroductions-group for everyone who can´t write or speak russian very well?
Thank you for your time <3
Suveru "Woolf" Van Cheaty

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Re: Reviews book

Сообщение COMAN » 29 янв 2013, 00:22

I´ve a question: this forum is 99% russian - like this language, but why it comes an Error, if I changed my Setting to "british english"?
Well, that was an error on the site building stage... Actually this feature didn't work anyway =)
And question two: Is it allowed to open Threads in this "English Forum" for me perhaps for example "I about myself" so as indroductions-group for everyone who can´t write or speak russian very well?
I think this is allowed =)

And you are welcome!
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Re: Reviews book

Сообщение Suveru » 04 фев 2013, 00:01

COMAN писал(а):
I´ve a question: this forum is 99% russian - like this language, but why it comes an Error, if I changed my Setting to "british english"?
Well, that was an error on the site building stage... Actually this feature didn't work anyway =)
And question two: Is it allowed to open Threads in this "English Forum" for me perhaps for example "I about myself" so as indroductions-group for everyone who can´t write or speak russian very well?
I think this is allowed =)

And you are welcome!

thank you - i like it very much *waggin tail*


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